
Christmas holidays and more...

Dear Nakamas,

With the holidays approaching, we would like to inform you of some changes and adjustments to the schedule.

During the Christmas holidays there will be some changes to the class schedule:

We are closed for the first week due to the holidays. In the second week all adult lessons will continue, the lessons for children and teenagers will be cancelled, but they can choose to join the adults. & Yes, parent-child training is possible during the holidays! (This means closed for group lessons from January 25 to 31 & from January 1 to January 7, youth participates with adults.)

Unfortunately, we also have to announce that we will say goodbye to Tim Stoffer as trainer in the new year. He will retire from Nakama in January/February. Nemo Vis will take over Tim's bag training and Marteyn Verkleij will take over fitness/strength, with the addition of nutritional guidance and hypnosis to get rid of addictions to smoking and food, among other things! We are working hard on the other lessons and here too we will ensure that a suitable solution is found.

We wish you all happy holidays and a happy, healthy New Year!

Ps: Save the date! February 25 is RAW. on your doorstep again!

Sensei John, Danique and team Nakama

Previously published

What others are saying...

  • It's great to enjoy yourself in this way.

    - Merel

  • Great training in a fun environment!

    - Quinten

  • Nakama is the place for me to get rid of all the stress of everyday life!

    - Martijn

  • Well trained and well-concentrated lesson.

    - Safa

  • A good friend is someone with whom you have complete freedom to be yourself and that is what I have at Nakama.

    - Joris Stulp

  • Always good to train at Nakama, good training, nice group with respect for each other and a fanatical sensei. OSU

    - Bart Smalbrugge

  • Conviviality, good training from a good teacher! Nakama, power of friendship!

    - Liesbeth

  • Nakama is that real shit to train, really cool!!!

    - Florian

  • Fighting; sometimes against an opponent, often with yourself, but never alone. That's Nakama!

    - Mirthe

  • I enjoy training with Nakama because we really work as a team! OSU

    - Anonymous

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